Luke IV
By: Steve

Damen felt his legs straighten out above him. He felt Luke’s throat muscles quickly push more and more of him into Luke’s stomach. He started to curl up into a ball. Then he felt his feet slip through Luke’s lips. There was a pause as he felt Luke’s tongue play with the souls of his feet for a moment. Then there was one last wave of muscle action, as he was rapidly forced entirely into Luke’s stomach. He tried to push out on the slick walls of the stomach, and realized he was feeling the inside of Luke’s abs. Disbelief turned into realization, which turned into fear. He started to cry. He begged at the top of his lungs that if Luke let him out, he would treat Campbell like a prince. There was a bone-crushing shove as things closed in around him, knocking the air for his lungs and making him lose consciousness. Damen was gone.

Luke hurried toward Campbell. He was not moving. He gently lifted him down from the hook, and carried him over to the bed. He laid him down and removed the tape. He was not conscious. Luke felt his neck. There was a pulse. Luke was concerned. He could not figure out what had knocked Campbell out. He heard some yelling from in his stomach. Damen! He looked down at his stomach and saw a bulge. He flexed his ab muscles and everything went back to normal. That was the end of that asshole, he thought.

He looked back at Campbell. Still nothing. He hoped that Campbell had not freaked out so much that he passed out. He could not face hysterics from this man. Maybe he should just snuff him and not deal with it. He certainly didn’t want to eat him. The fat on him would play havoc on his system for days. He could simply put Campbell’s head in his armpit and flex. It would crush his skull, but contain any mess. He reached down and hefted Campbell’s limp body so that he could put Campbell’s head in his armpit. He took one last look and raised his massive arm, setting Campbell’s head in his hairy muscular pit. He was about to lower his arm on the man’s head but stopped. Wait, he didn’t want to snuff him. There was a chance that Campbell hadn’t freaked out. He liked the guy. This was a first for Luke, and he felt good about it. He thought back to his thoughts earlier that evening. God was that still the same night? He was lonely. He had focused on finding an older man with no food appeal. He remembered that he was always handed what he wanted, somehow. And here was Campbell. So why would he not be everything he wanted him to be. He lowered Campbell back onto the bed.

He went into the bathroom and ran cold water over a towel. He came back and put the towel on Campbell’s face. Campbell began to come around. He mumbled a bit but didn’t open his eyes. Finally, they flashed open as wide as saucers as he gasped.

Campbell felt something cold on his face. What had happened? Where was he? He was not hanging on the hook anymore but lying on a bed. He tried to retrace the events of the evening. He had met the hunk, brought him home, been tied up by Damen and…oh fuck. LUKE ATE DAMEN. He gasped and his eyes shot open -- and there he was – Luke staring down at him.

Luke’s first instinct when he saw Campbell’s eyes shoot open was to grab him, trapping his arms to his sides. He didn’t know what to expect. Shit, he should have snuffed him while he was out. But he waited to see what was going on with Campbell. He could still snuff him, but it would not be as easy. He would have to shove Campbell’s head in his mouth and suck all the air out of him. That would involve a lot of convulsing, but it was still doable.

Luke looked down at Campbell. There must have been a look of concern on Luke’s face, because Campbell, looking searchingly into Luke’s eyes, settled right down -- the look of panic vanished. Luke asked, “Dude, you okay?”

Campbell hesitated for a moment. He still felt very peculiar and foggy, as he had when he was hanging from the hook. It was like he had been drugged. Finally he said, “Yeah, I am okay. I feel kinda drugged, though.”

Luke relaxed his grip a bit and smiled a little. “That would be from the brownie. It had some pot in it. Are you totally freaked out?”

Campbell’s eyes searched for the answer. Luke was still cautiously holding Campbell.

“Well….” Campbell said slowly through is brownie induced haze, “I am freaked, but not totally freaked. I mean Luke, I just watched you eat Damen whole and alive. That is not something you see every day.”

Luke still held Campbell. “Yeah, I said my methods were unusual.” He kept trying to read what was going on in Campbell’s mind.

“Well, I could never have imagined that that was really actually possible.”

Luke said, “Well you wanted him gone. And frankly after meeting him, I did too.”

Campbell looked at Luke’s stomach. It was a perfectly flat washboard. “So where is he?”

“Well, he is in there.” Luke released his grip on Campbell long enough to pat his stomach. Campbell did not make a move to escape. Luke relaxed a bit more, but was still cautious.

“You didn’t throw him up or anything while I was out?”

“No, don’t worry about him, he is gone forever.” Luke tried to smile again reassuringly.

Campbell was silent, but Luke could tell he was thinking.

Finally, Luke said, “Dude, do you want to talk about it?”

Campbell looked at Luke. Yeah he thought, I would, but how? He didn’t say anything.

Luke said, “Hey let’s talk about it. I know you must have a ton of questions. I am an open book. But first can you be honest with me about something?” Campbell nodded yes.

Luke stammered a bit, “So, like, are you, like going to call the cops or anything?”

Campbell looked surprised. “Hell no, why would I do that? You helped me out. We are in this together. I would be implicated too. So, no I won’t.”

Luke looked a little more relieved. “Okay then, ask anything you want.”

Campbell thought for a moment. “Okay, have you done this before?”

Luke smiled, “Yep.”

“How often?

“Well it depends. Usually at least twice a week. Sometimes more.”

Campbell was incredulous. “Twice a week?”

“Yeah, sometimes more.”

“When was the last time you ate a guy before Damen?

“About two hours before I met you.”

Again, Campbell was stunned. “Two Hours????”

Luke got a little concerned. “You sure you want to hear all this?”

Campbell calmed down a bit. “Yes, but you are going to have to bear with me a bit. This is a lot to handle.”


Then Campbell sort of sat up. Luke remained close. “So you are saying you ate someone and then three hours later you ate Damen? You were still hungry or what? That is more than twice a week.”

“Okay let me explain. I don’t know how it works, but an hour after I eat someone, I have to pee like a racehorse. The body is mostly water, and my body sorts that out and eliminates it. Right after that I get a surge of energy. I just sort of flex wherever I want to distribute that, and I grow – like a huge workout session, but just flexing. I guess I could eat someone every hour, but I would be gigantic. So I try to pace it.”

Campbell smiled. “Sort of like eating Chinese, an hour later you are hungry again.”

Luke laughed long and hard. He thought that was clever. And then it hit him, if Campbell could joke about it; there must be some degree of acceptance there. This might be okay. He relaxed a little more and started to enjoy talking about his favorite subject – himself. He had never done that before except briefly before he shoved someone into his mouth.

Luke said, “Well not so much hungry, as I am able to take advantage of opportunities that present themselves. After a couple of days I usually start looking for another guy to eat. I eat other stuff in between. I didn’t need to eat Damen or the guy I ate earlier today. I had had a guy the day before. Opportunities presented themselves. And you needed help.”

Campbell said, “A guy the day before too? That is like three guys in 24 hours. Man you are on a roll.”

Luke said quietly, “Yeah and I am paying for it in size. I am getting too big. I gotta lay off guys for a while.”

Campbell said shyly, “I like your size.”

Luke said. “Awe, thanks dude, but I have out-grown my clothes. That is why I have to stay around here for a few days. I have to order bigger stuff of the net and have it delivered. You remember your promise about my staying here, don’t ya?”

Campbell said immediately, “Of course you can stay…as long as you want.”

Luke smiled, “You are the best, Campbell.”

Campbell thought a minute. “So there is no waste except the water?”

“Well the next day, I dump the fat. I can’t absorb the fat.”

“And you just flex and grow each time? How much do you grow?” asked Campbell?

“It depends on the guy -- some a little, others a lot. Damen was really well built, so there was a lot there to absorb. If you want, you can come in and watch the process. I have about a half an hour before it happens.”

Campbell shuddered a little. This caused Luke to pick up his guard again. He was ready for a bad reaction from Campbell. Luke thought he had gone to far. He may be talking too openly. But, this was the first time he had told anyone about, and it was such fun. He loved to talk about himself. Here he was revealing this amazing power he had, to a person he barely knew, as if he were talking about the weather. He could tell Campbell was in total awe of him, and he loved that. It would happen from time to time with other guys, but it was short lived. He ate them. And then he thought about Tom, when he was growing up… Now he might again have someone around who knew what power he had – who could idolize him for it. He wanted or maybe needed that worship. It fed his ego. It turned him on. It did not make him lose his edge, as he had worried. It fueled it! He could feel it inside of him. He wanted more than ever now to have that adoration as he consumed his victims -- to have someone be in total awe of him and the power he had over men. The more he thought about it, the more he craved it.

Campbell would be that guy. He felt certain of it. He would have to be careful though. He didn’t want to freak Campbell out. This was new to him and he was not sure how much an ordinary guy could take. He would take his lead from Campbell, as he had with Tom.

“Okay, if you don’t mind,” said Campbell, finally. It brought Luke back to the present.

“Mind what? I am sorry I kind of got lost in thought,” said Luke.

“If I watch you do your thing with Damen,” said Campbell a little weakly.

Luke smiled, “Sure. No problem. I would like that.” He patted Campbell reassuringly on his leg.

Campbell was silent again. Luke said, “Do you have any more questions?”

Campbell looked at Luke and said, “Yeah, I do. When did you start doing this?”

Luke thought for a moment. “About 6 years ago.”

“How did you start? How did you know you could do it?”

“Well, okay. I will tell you my story. You sure you want to hear all this?”

“Yeah,” said Campbell.

“I grew up in NY. I never knew my dad and my mom was always drunk. The few times I asked about my dad, she would just wail that he was inhuman, and down a bottle. She hated me because of him. I was pretty much left alone. Well, when I was growing up, I had this ravenous appetite. I never could get enough food. I would suck down any dinner there was and be looking for more, always. I had a little friend that lived next door. He was my age, but I was almost twice his size. We lived in a rough neighborhood, and I was always protecting him. This is when I was about eleven. He always sort of idolized me. Jeeze, I haven’t thought about him for a while, until just this morning. Odd, huh?”

Campbell shifted into a more comfortable position on the bed and pulled the covers up over his lap. He was obviously wrapped up in the story. Luke thought it was safe to go on.

“Anyway, I told him how hungry I was all the time. We cooked up a plan where we would go to the grocery store, and he would be a look out. I would grab things and eat them on the spot. I would have to move fast, so I would just swallow stuff whole. We used to smoke some pot back then and though it made me hungry, it also relaxed my jaw. I could shove down a whole watermelon in one gulp with some pot.

“After each food frenzy, I would feel this surge of power. I started to flex the muscles I had at the time, and they would grow. I had also realized by then that I could eliminate the bulge in my stomach from my eating frenzy by merely flexing my stomach muscles. Things would go back to normal and I could leave the store with no suspicion.

“Tom, my friend, loved my growing muscles. He always wanted to feel them, and I liked it when he did. Looking back, I realized he must have been gay. I knew I was different too. Anyway, one day I swallowed 6 20 pound frozen turkeys one after another in rapid succession. When I was done, I looked up and saw that Tom had seen me do it. He had this odd look on his face. I wasn’t sure what to make of it. I looked down and saw that he had either wet his pants or cum, cause there was a huge wet stain. He noticed that I saw it, and ran.

“I didn’t see him until the next day. I had grown a lot from all the turkeys and was anxious for Tom to play with my new muscles. But, he was kind of shaking a bit, and very hesitant about me being around him. We smoked a little pot, and then I asked him if he was okay and he sort of squeaked that he was. I thought he had been upset by how many turkeys I had eaten, but could not figure out the wet stain. I coaxed and coaxed him, and finally took his hand and started rubbing my flexing bicep for him. That seemed to relax him, and he started to feel all over my body. We were both very hard. I finally asked him what had happened the day before.

“He took a deep breath and said that he realized that I had eaten more pounds of turkey than he weighed. He said that I could have eaten him. I was shocked but something inside me stirred. I told him I would never do that to him. But in the back of my mind I realized that I could. He put his hand up to my lips. He was shaking again. Then he said the most shocking thing I have ever heard. He stammered a lot but eventually said that he wished I would eat him. He said that he wanted me to eat him! I was both horrified and intrigued. Part of me wanted to suck him right down, but another part just couldn’t do it. I told him again that I wouldn’t do it.

“He was still shaking. His hand was still on my lips. Then he pushed his hand into my mouth. I let him. I opened my teeth and let his hand inside my mouth. At first I just let it be there, then my tongue touched it. It tasted so good and stirred all kind of cravings in me. I started to suck on his hand and before I realized it, I had his whole arm in my mouth. We both started to cum. In the process his arm slipped out of my mouth.”

Luke looked at Campbell. He had a strange look on his face. He thought he might have gone too far again, but he had just gotten caught up in the memory of this.

“Are you okay? Is this boring you?” Luke asked.

Campbell came out of his trance and said, “No! Not at all. It is fascinating.”

Luke looked for reassurance in Campbell’s eyes. He felt safe to go on.

“Well anyway. For about the next year, I continued with my eating frenzies and growing and would suck on some part of Tom everyday. Sometimes up to 4 times a day. Each time we came together. At first I would suck on his arms, but then started sucking on his leg, then both legs. I eventually took him in to his waist and had him cum in my mouth. I loved having him in my mouth. He tasted so fucking good. And amazingly he loved it too. One day, he suggested that I suck on him headfirst. At first it was just his head, but quickly I would take him in to his legs so he could cum in my mouth. He would shoot and I would then shoot and I would more and more reluctantly pull him out. I would stick my tongue into his little ass hole and he would wiggle all around. We both loved that. Then one day, I was really hungry and horny. I kept sucking on him and swallowing to get him into my mouth, so we could cum. But I didn’t stop at his cock. I took him in to his feet before I realized what I was doing. His head and shoulders had gone into my stomach. This triggered a whole new urge in me – to swallow him whole. I could feel him convulsing from his climax, and I came too. I pulled him out, but knew more than ever that he belonged inside me. I knew that I had to eat him.

“Tom was overjoyed by how much of him I had swallowed. He talked more and more about me just totally eating him. He said he belonged in my stomach and, more than anything, he wanted to become part of my body. He said he knew it was odd, but he was driven to it. I was still reluctant, but my resolve was vanishing. I wanted it and obviously he did too. Finally one day, I said okay. He came the moment I said it. He asked me to do one thing before I ate him. He wanted me to fuck him. So I did. It was really hot. That created a whole new set of desires in me. I wished that we had been doing that all along too.

”We kind of said our goodbyes. I was both sad and anxious to consume him. He said he wanted me to eat him feet first so he could enjoy it.

“So, I took both his feet into my mouth and sucked on them for a while. I loved his feet. I wanted to enjoy it this one last time, even though I could hardly wait to feel him totally inside me. I gradually sucked in more and more of his legs, massaging them with my tongue as I did. He would squeal and shake with excitement. The whole time he was tell me how much he wanted to be part of me. I got his cock and ass in my mouth and made him shoot the biggest load I had ever felt him shoot. I played with his stomach, his chest and his little hairless armpits as I swallowed more and more of my friend. His arms were above his head and my next swallow would take in his head. I hesitated. He told me he loved me and wanted this more than anything. I should not feel bad, because this was what I was meant to do. He said it was the survival of the fittest, and I was indeed that person. So I swallowed. His head disappeared and only his arms were left outside my mouth. Because a lot of him was already in my stomach, I had the overwhelming urge to get him all there, so I quickly swallowed the rest of him in two large gulps.

“I came as I felt him enter my stomach. I sat there for a few minutes. I could feel him squirming around inside me. My initial reaction was to try to throw him up. But I knew he would not want that. Besides, I loved the way I felt, totally dominating him, making him my food and making him part of me. It was what we both wanted. I came again, as I felt him move around. I felt him convulse in another climax in my stomach. I wanted to keep that feeling as long as I could.

“Then I heard someone coming. Instinctively I flexed my abs. The bulge that was Tom disappeared and everything went back to normal. I knew it was too late now to let him out. He was mine.

“An hour later, I peed like I had never peed before. Then I felt the power surge. It was huge. I felt Tom’s energy add to my muscles. I felt greater than I ever had before in my life. I remembered Tom’s last words. This is what I was meant to do. I felt better about things and went home to sleep.”

As Luke told the story, he just stared at the floor. All the emotion of that time flooded over him as he talked. When he was done, Luke looked over at Campbell.


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